Trainspotting is a film set in 1996 whereas Skins is a current, on-going series set in the present day. This instantly makes you expect to see a huge difference between the two portrayals as time has moved on and the youth culture has changed so much in those 15 years.
There is the obvious difference in style and fashion which happens with every type of person over the years, but in this case is shown with youths. But in comparing these to portrayals of the youth culture, it becomes apparent how different the fashions are and how opinions have completely changed over what is ‘cool’ and fits their stereotype. In Trainspotting, the guys tend to wear basic clothes, i.e. plain shirts, t-shirts, etc. Whereas nowadays if you ask anyone to think of what clothing they think of when they hear about the youth of today, they will say hoodies! This is strongly portrayed in Skins.A similarity between Trainspotting and Skins is the on-going theme of drug abuse; this shows that the issues with drugs have not changed over the 15 year period and are still as much of a problem now as they were then. But the worrying thing that the audience are shown is the fact that, in some of the character’s cases, drug taking is enjoyed and with no view of giving up. It could be debated that Skins shows drug and alcohol abuse, in some situations, in a good light which could have a negative effect and influence on the audience.
In Trainspotting, the main characters are like a dominant, powerful gang, who everyone else stays well clear of if they want to stay out of trouble. However in Skins, the portrayal is different as they are not shown to be so powerful, they are shown to be just like a lot of other people at their school. This almost implies that the drug and alcohol culture has taken over and that all/most teens live the same kind of lifestyle, and if you believe the media hype, this is in some ways true.
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